Our Educational Approach

Our 4 Tenets of Teaching and Learning

Our Educational Approach

Our Mission & Vision

Miles Ahead Charter (MACS) is a tuition-free, K-8 school with a mission to grow whole, healthy, happy people for the 21st century. MACS is focused on student growth and academic achievement through a whole child approach to education.

Our vision is to provide all scholars with the social and academic successes necessary to help them realize their potential for local impact and global change.


Elements of Student Success

When scholars have completed their academic career and entered adult life, they’ll be judged not by performance on basic skills tests – but rather, by the quality of their work and quality of their character. This premise serves as the foundation for Miles Ahead Charter School’s overarching vision of increasing student engagement and elevating student achievement.

To realize that vision, we focus on scholar excellence in three core areas:

Character & Culture – High Quality Work – Mastery of Knowledge & Skills

The MACS Scholars Experience

MACS is dedicated to meeting the needs of our digital natives. This means rethinking the current practices in education and offering a curriculum that speaks to the world our scholars were born into.

This includes offering coding as a language, social emotional, wellness and character education, real-world expeditions of learning, and other opportunities to synthesize and apply their learning.



For more details regarding Miles Ahead Charter School’s performance, please access our Report Card and CCRPI information:

The 4 Principles of Teaching & Learning at MACS

Whole Child Approach:

MACS believes that academic success is built on strong character qualities of respect, collaboration, perseverance, responsibility, and compassion. To lay the foundation for academic success, MACS will foster and celebrate scholars’ character development by building a culture in which scholars and staff work together to become effective learners and ethical people who contribute to a better world.

Student Growth and Achievement:

At MACS, we quantify mastery as both standards-based proficiency and individual growth across disciplines over time. No two scholars start the school year in the same place; thus, MACS prioritizes the need to ensure scholars are receiving academic content that is equitable for their individual pathway and prepares them for success at each level of their education. Supporting the balance of growth and achievement across disciplines are the scholar-engaged assessment practices that position scholars to be leaders of their own learning.

A Purpose Driven Learning Environment:

A quality education can change the course of a young child’s life. Knowing that, we take deliberate steps to ensure that the school, classroom and school climate promote both joy and rigor. The success of a school begins with the environment set within the walls of a classroom, hallways, common areas, and appearance of the entire facility and is manifested by the well-being of its community.


Families and community members are key partners in the education of children.
At MACS, staff members make families welcome, value their contributions and backgrounds, and engage them actively in the life of the school. Leaders and teachers explicitly recognize that families care about their children’s education, bring strengths, and add value to the community.

Our High 5 Habits

Miles ahead high 5 habits
Miles ahead high 5 habits

” We, the Miles Ahead Charter Crew, are dedicated to providing an education that allows scholars to reach their full potential, apply their education to improving their local and global communities, and prepare them to be miles ahead of what they ever thought possible. Together, we are the crew to #getschoolright!”

Kolt Bloxson Pitts, Founder of Miles Ahead Charter School